Data from an ongoing collaboration between the laboratory of Prof. Andrew MacDonald at Manchester Collaborative Centre for Inflammation Research (University of Manchester, Manchester, UK) and Immodulon Therapeutics shedding light on adaptive immune responses initiated by dendritic cells primed with IMM-101 (a heat-killed whole cell preparation of Mycobacterium obuense NCTC13365) were presented at the 2016 Annual Congress of the British Society for Immunology (BSI).

Full title: The effect of IMM-101, a heat-killed whole cell preparation of Mycobacterium obuense (NCTC 13365) on dendritic cells and the adaptive immune response.
Poster presented at the Annual Congress of the BSI, held in Liverpool (UK)
Date: 6-9 December 2016
Author[s]: James Crooks, Sheila Brown, Audrey Gauthier, Marc Hillairet de Boisferon, Laura Rosa Brunet and Andrew MacDonald